Praise the King!

Sep 30, 2021    Cole Cleveland

5 God has gone up with a shout, the LORD with the sound of a trumpet.
6 Sing praises to God, sing praises! Sing praises to our King, sing praises!
7 For God is the King of all the earth; sing praises with a psalm!
Psalms 47:5-7

As we continue to study this Psalm, today we look to verses 5-7. Remember that we are to "Clap our hands" and "shout for joy" because the Lord our God is the Most High God. And we are to praise Him because He has subdued our enemies. And we are to rejoice for He has chosen us to be His people from before the foundations of the world.

"God has gone up with a shout, the LORD with the sound of a trumpet." -- There are two things that this could be referring to, and it could be both. 1) This could be referring to when the Ark of the Covenant was being carried to the top of Mount Zion. This was done with great rejoicing and David dancing and the priests blowing trumpets. It was a time of celebration. 2) This could be referring to a future event of the Ascension of Christ in Acts 1:9. Jesus had finished the work on earth and then ascended into Heaven. He "led captivity captive."

"Sing praises to God, sing praises! Sing praises to our King, sing praises!" -- There is a consistent reminder for the believer to praise the name of God. We are specifically instructed to "sing praise" to our God and King. It is amazing that the Bible has to continually remind us to praise God... should the praise of God not continually roll off our lips? Should the praise of God not continually be poured out of our life? Why do we so often go days and weeks without praising the name of the Lord?

There are 4 evaluations of "praise to God" that we can look at today:

1. Praising God with your time. As you evaluate your time spent on a daily basis, would it be considered glorifying to God. What ratio of your time is spent on earthly things compared to eternal things? What amount of time do you spend on things that just do not matter whatsoever? How much time do you spend in prayer and in the Word? You should continually and consistently spend time praising God throughout your day!

2. Praising God with your relationships. If you are married, please understand that God has specifically and intentionally partnered you with your spouse. HE HAS NOT MADE A MISTAKE. HE HAS NOT OVERLOOKED YOUR MARRIAGE. This was an intentional and purposeful design. Does your marriage reflect the glory of God? Are you loving your wife unconditionally? Are you praising God with your sacrificial service to your wife? Does she know that you love God more than anything in this world? Are you "sanctifying her in the Word" (Eph 5:26)?

3. Praising God with your money. We are called to be good stewards of the gifts that are given to us by God. Do you praise God with these gifts? Do you praise God with your money? We are called to be givers! It is a command to give. God doesn't own 10% of your income through a tithe. God owns 100% of your income. Are you a giver? Do you give? We are to see the work of the Gospel ministry as the primary need for our money in life. There is nothing more important than the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Does your budget reflect that?

4. Praising God through the local church. We are to praise God together. We are to praise God as a body of believers. We are to praise God in a corporate gathering. We are to praise God as the bride of Christ. Have you committed your life to this work? Have you committed your heart to this obedience? Are you sold out for the cause of Christ to serve the body as Christ first loved us?

We are called to praise our God, and we should do this through our daily actions. Praise should be naturally flowing off our lips and through our actions! Praise God!! He is alone worthy!

"For God is the King of all the earth, sing praises with a psalm" -- God is the King. He is Sovereign. He is Supreme. He is Lord. He is Master. He is Commander. He is All Powerful. He is Majestic. He is Glorious. There is NOTHING outside of His control. There is NOTHING outside of His rule. There is NOTHING outside of His omnipotence. God is King.

This idea should drive you to your knees in praise! This fact should cause you to fall on the ground and repent. His Power and Glory are so Great, that it should cause you to be in awe of Him.

We take the Kingship of God for granted. We go days without truly being in awe of His Lordship. We go days without truly submitting to His Kingship. No matter what you are going through, the believer in Christ CAN DECLARE THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD! This is a most glorious proclamation when things are going well in your life. And this is most glorious realization when you are "counting it all joy" while facing "trials of various kinds."

It is true... the Lord our God, He IS God; and there is no other.

Let there be glory and honor and praises... Glory and honor to Jesus! Glory and Honor to Him alone, for He is our only hope and He is our only salvation. He is the King of kings. He is the Lord of lords! Crown Him King! Crown Him Lord! Oh Glorious is His Awesome and Powerful and Majestic name!

Praise the King!