5 Ways Biblical Leaders Set Examples
An excerpt from the sermon "Set An Example" from 1 Timothy 4:11-12
12 Let no one despise you for your youth…
Paul is cautioning Timothy to not allow anyone to look down on his youthfulness. Since Paul is no longer going to be there with the people to give Timothy natural credibility, Timothy is going to have to earn it for himself. He is going to have to earn the respect of the people. And the way that he will do this is by living a life according to Scripture.
For the Greek culture, as with many other cultures, if a man did not have age, then he did not have respect. But the more age someone had, the more respect that carried. Timothy, at this point is probably mid-30’s. But Paul is probably in his 60’s, so that would be a huge different in cultural respect. In Acts 7:58, Luke calls Paul a “young man” and at that time he was probably in his mid to late 30’s. But Timothy is considered a “youthful” man.
Paul, here, is exhorting Timothy to establish credibility as a leader by “setting an example.” Note the contrast in the sentence here…
12 Let no one despise you for your youth, BUT (instead) set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.
So, as a leader, the way in which to combat someone not respecting you or thinking little of you is to: Lead by example. And that is exactly what Paul is teaching Timothy here. He is exhorting him. He is bringing him back to the Biblical principles of Scripture and explaining that he can establish credibility with this church if he “sets an example.”
And he is to “set an example” to the church in 5 ways: Speech, conduct, love, faith and purity.
All types of sinful speech must be avoided by the Biblical leader. This includes any deviation from truthfulness. This includes “laying aside all falsehood…” Nothing reveals the corrupt leader’s heart like deception. The Biblical leader must not gossip or slander. The Biblical leader must not tear down or cause dissension.
Ephesians 4:29 — “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.”
Biblical leadership is encouragement. Biblical leadership is exhorting others to follow Christ. A Biblical leader uses his speech to build others up and to instill within their followers a confidence to press forward.
Parents, make sure that your words are building up to your children. Make sure that you are leading by example in the way that you speak. This includes the choice of words, but it also includes your tone of voice. You can tear down more with your tone of voice than you can with the words in which you speak.
Set an example in your speech.
2) A successful Biblical ministry leads in Conduct.
An excellence Biblical leader is one who models righteous living. His Biblical message is directly supported by his Godly life.
Hypocrisy damages credibility of a leader more than anything else. People will tend to follow how you live and not what you teach. So, your conduct is extremely important.
James 3:13 — “Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom.” Your wisdom is demonstrated in the way in which you implement the teaching of Scripture to your every day life. Your conduct will demonstrate whether or not people want to listen to your wisdom.
1 Peter 3:16 — “having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame.” When the enemy tries to destroy the credibility of your life and your ministry, you can directly combat this with your Godly behavior — your good conduct.
So, Timothy here is to set an example in his Godly living. And he will be able to evaluate his Godly living against the Standard for Christian Living that is found in 1 Timothy 3:2-7.
Parents, the most essential — the most vital — element of your Godly living is for you to demonstrate to your children that your life is in Biblical order and you are content with this. If you are constantly fighting against the Biblical mandate of Scripture to have your life in order, then your children will follow suit. Their reaction will be to constantly turn to the left and to the right to find satisfaction elsewhere.
Biblical Conduct is righteous living with contentment.
3) A successful Biblical leader sets an example in Love.
Please understand that the Bible defines “love” as something totally and completely different than the world does. This is not relativistic love. This is not a love that is based on my own truths.
“Greater love has no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends.” This is a great Biblical understanding that love is sacrificial. Love counts others more significant than yourself. Love is less concerned about self and more concerned about others.
True love of God generates a love for the church. That is why the second is like unto it: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” After you love God with all of your being, you will then, as a byproduct love the church — your neighbor.
Many times while writing, Paul would talk about all that he had suffered for the sake of the church. He sacrificed his life and his own well-being for the good of the church. And a Biblical leader does the same.
Parents, truly loving your children is not allowing them to choose their own truths and a relative way of thinking. Truly loving your children is to sacrifice your life for them. This means that you have to have a disciplined parenting style. This means that you have to love your children enough to discipline them consistently, and not give into your daily fatigue. This means that you have to love your children enough to sacrifice the sinful wants and selfish desires for the good of your children.
Parents, truly loving your children is understanding who God intentionally and specifically made them to be and then sacrificing your life to meet their needs. Truly loving your children is for you to have a disciplined parenting lifestyle. Parenting that is undisciplined results in children who are undisciplined. Parenting that just allows children to go wherever they want and do whatever they want to do without any direction from a parent will result in a child who is not equipped for success.
Love your children enough to train them in discipline. Love your children enough to “command and teach” discipline in the home. And do so with much grace, mercy and long-suffering.
A Biblical leader must set an example in love.
4) A successful Biblical leader sets an example in Faith.
This isn’t saving faith. This is referring to faithfulness. It is consistency to the Christian life. It is commitment to the things of God.
A successful Biblical leader is one who is Faithful to the Word of God and to live out obedience to Scripture no matter what the adversity. Faithfulness is not turning to the left or to the right. Faithfulness is not looking for satisfaction elsewhere. Faithfulness is being unwavering in Truth and conviction and living a life that reflects the Standard of Christian Living.
To be a Faithful Biblical parent is to have a well-managed home and all that entails. You can go back to our study from 1 Timothy 3:4-5 to remind yourself of all of that.
To be a Faithful Biblical parent is to raise your children in the admonition and instruction of the Lord. It is to teach diligently the instruction of the Lord as your children are sitting in your home, walking by the way, standing alongside, lying down, rising up. It is to teach the commands of the Lord and “write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.”
To be a Faithful Biblical parent is to disciple your children. To be a Faithful Biblical parent is to demonstrate the importance of the local church. To be a Faithful Biblical parent is to set an example of how to worship during church.
Dads, I cannot tell you how valuable it is for your children to see you singing during the congregational singing. I cannot tell you how valuable it is for your children to see you submitting yourself to sit under the expository preaching of the Word of God. I cannot tell you how valuable it is for your children to witness you praying in the fellowship of believers.
Children who do not get to see their dad during worship are children that are not being led by example. Children who do not get to see their parents worship together are children who are not being taught the value of church.
I am so thankful that we have our children in the service with us. Your children will benefit in ways that you cannot even imagine because they are watching the way that you interact with the worship service on Sunday morning.
Successful Biblical leaders are faithful to the things of God.
5) A successful Biblical leaders sets an example in Purity.
This is specifically written in regards to sexual purity. Sexual purity includes both the actions of the individual and the intentions of the heart. Nothing ravages a pastoral ministry like sexual misconduct. Nothing ravages a family like sexual immorality.
In the first category of the Standard of Christian Living, Paul writes that the Standard of Christian Living expects for the believer to be “above reproach” and is to be a “one-woman man.” The history of the church shows us that Christian leaders are susceptible to fall in this area. Satan loves to bring men down in this regard.
But as a “youthful man” Paul is encouraging Timothy to “set an example in… sexual purity.” In 2 Timothy 2:22, Paul tells Timothy to “flee from youthful lusts…”
Parents, train your kids in sexual purity. The best way to do this is to guard what they watch. They do not need to be watching grown up movies when they are children. They do not need to be seeing sexual activity on TV as children. Guard the conscience of your children. You cannot get your innocence back — once it is gone, it is gone.
So, a Biblical leader sets an example in: Speech, Conduct, Faith, Love and Purity.
Paul is cautioning Timothy to not allow anyone to look down on his youthfulness. Since Paul is no longer going to be there with the people to give Timothy natural credibility, Timothy is going to have to earn it for himself. He is going to have to earn the respect of the people. And the way that he will do this is by living a life according to Scripture.
For the Greek culture, as with many other cultures, if a man did not have age, then he did not have respect. But the more age someone had, the more respect that carried. Timothy, at this point is probably mid-30’s. But Paul is probably in his 60’s, so that would be a huge different in cultural respect. In Acts 7:58, Luke calls Paul a “young man” and at that time he was probably in his mid to late 30’s. But Timothy is considered a “youthful” man.
Paul, here, is exhorting Timothy to establish credibility as a leader by “setting an example.” Note the contrast in the sentence here…
12 Let no one despise you for your youth, BUT (instead) set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.
So, as a leader, the way in which to combat someone not respecting you or thinking little of you is to: Lead by example. And that is exactly what Paul is teaching Timothy here. He is exhorting him. He is bringing him back to the Biblical principles of Scripture and explaining that he can establish credibility with this church if he “sets an example.”
And he is to “set an example” to the church in 5 ways: Speech, conduct, love, faith and purity.
1) A successful Biblical ministry leads in Speech.
What comes out of the mouth of the Christian leader must be “above reproach” — it must be exemplary. What comes out of a man’s mouth reveals what is in the man’s heart.
Jesus warns about the importance of speech in Matthew 12:33-37: “34…For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” The mouth is just communicating what is already in the heart.
All types of sinful speech must be avoided by the Biblical leader. This includes any deviation from truthfulness. This includes “laying aside all falsehood…” Nothing reveals the corrupt leader’s heart like deception. The Biblical leader must not gossip or slander. The Biblical leader must not tear down or cause dissension.
Ephesians 4:29 — “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.”
Biblical leadership is encouragement. Biblical leadership is exhorting others to follow Christ. A Biblical leader uses his speech to build others up and to instill within their followers a confidence to press forward.
Parents, make sure that your words are building up to your children. Make sure that you are leading by example in the way that you speak. This includes the choice of words, but it also includes your tone of voice. You can tear down more with your tone of voice than you can with the words in which you speak.
Set an example in your speech.
2) A successful Biblical ministry leads in Conduct.
An excellence Biblical leader is one who models righteous living. His Biblical message is directly supported by his Godly life.
Hypocrisy damages credibility of a leader more than anything else. People will tend to follow how you live and not what you teach. So, your conduct is extremely important.
James 3:13 — “Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom.” Your wisdom is demonstrated in the way in which you implement the teaching of Scripture to your every day life. Your conduct will demonstrate whether or not people want to listen to your wisdom.
1 Peter 3:16 — “having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame.” When the enemy tries to destroy the credibility of your life and your ministry, you can directly combat this with your Godly behavior — your good conduct.
So, Timothy here is to set an example in his Godly living. And he will be able to evaluate his Godly living against the Standard for Christian Living that is found in 1 Timothy 3:2-7.
Parents, the most essential — the most vital — element of your Godly living is for you to demonstrate to your children that your life is in Biblical order and you are content with this. If you are constantly fighting against the Biblical mandate of Scripture to have your life in order, then your children will follow suit. Their reaction will be to constantly turn to the left and to the right to find satisfaction elsewhere.
Biblical Conduct is righteous living with contentment.
3) A successful Biblical leader sets an example in Love.
Please understand that the Bible defines “love” as something totally and completely different than the world does. This is not relativistic love. This is not a love that is based on my own truths.
“Greater love has no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends.” This is a great Biblical understanding that love is sacrificial. Love counts others more significant than yourself. Love is less concerned about self and more concerned about others.
True love of God generates a love for the church. That is why the second is like unto it: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” After you love God with all of your being, you will then, as a byproduct love the church — your neighbor.
Many times while writing, Paul would talk about all that he had suffered for the sake of the church. He sacrificed his life and his own well-being for the good of the church. And a Biblical leader does the same.
Parents, truly loving your children is not allowing them to choose their own truths and a relative way of thinking. Truly loving your children is to sacrifice your life for them. This means that you have to have a disciplined parenting style. This means that you have to love your children enough to discipline them consistently, and not give into your daily fatigue. This means that you have to love your children enough to sacrifice the sinful wants and selfish desires for the good of your children.
Parents, truly loving your children is understanding who God intentionally and specifically made them to be and then sacrificing your life to meet their needs. Truly loving your children is for you to have a disciplined parenting lifestyle. Parenting that is undisciplined results in children who are undisciplined. Parenting that just allows children to go wherever they want and do whatever they want to do without any direction from a parent will result in a child who is not equipped for success.
Love your children enough to train them in discipline. Love your children enough to “command and teach” discipline in the home. And do so with much grace, mercy and long-suffering.
A Biblical leader must set an example in love.
4) A successful Biblical leader sets an example in Faith.
This isn’t saving faith. This is referring to faithfulness. It is consistency to the Christian life. It is commitment to the things of God.
A successful Biblical leader is one who is Faithful to the Word of God and to live out obedience to Scripture no matter what the adversity. Faithfulness is not turning to the left or to the right. Faithfulness is not looking for satisfaction elsewhere. Faithfulness is being unwavering in Truth and conviction and living a life that reflects the Standard of Christian Living.
To be a Faithful Biblical parent is to have a well-managed home and all that entails. You can go back to our study from 1 Timothy 3:4-5 to remind yourself of all of that.
To be a Faithful Biblical parent is to raise your children in the admonition and instruction of the Lord. It is to teach diligently the instruction of the Lord as your children are sitting in your home, walking by the way, standing alongside, lying down, rising up. It is to teach the commands of the Lord and “write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.”
To be a Faithful Biblical parent is to disciple your children. To be a Faithful Biblical parent is to demonstrate the importance of the local church. To be a Faithful Biblical parent is to set an example of how to worship during church.
Dads, I cannot tell you how valuable it is for your children to see you singing during the congregational singing. I cannot tell you how valuable it is for your children to see you submitting yourself to sit under the expository preaching of the Word of God. I cannot tell you how valuable it is for your children to witness you praying in the fellowship of believers.
Children who do not get to see their dad during worship are children that are not being led by example. Children who do not get to see their parents worship together are children who are not being taught the value of church.
I am so thankful that we have our children in the service with us. Your children will benefit in ways that you cannot even imagine because they are watching the way that you interact with the worship service on Sunday morning.
Successful Biblical leaders are faithful to the things of God.
5) A successful Biblical leaders sets an example in Purity.
This is specifically written in regards to sexual purity. Sexual purity includes both the actions of the individual and the intentions of the heart. Nothing ravages a pastoral ministry like sexual misconduct. Nothing ravages a family like sexual immorality.
In the first category of the Standard of Christian Living, Paul writes that the Standard of Christian Living expects for the believer to be “above reproach” and is to be a “one-woman man.” The history of the church shows us that Christian leaders are susceptible to fall in this area. Satan loves to bring men down in this regard.
But as a “youthful man” Paul is encouraging Timothy to “set an example in… sexual purity.” In 2 Timothy 2:22, Paul tells Timothy to “flee from youthful lusts…”
Parents, train your kids in sexual purity. The best way to do this is to guard what they watch. They do not need to be watching grown up movies when they are children. They do not need to be seeing sexual activity on TV as children. Guard the conscience of your children. You cannot get your innocence back — once it is gone, it is gone.
So, a Biblical leader sets an example in: Speech, Conduct, Faith, Love and Purity.

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